Let's show her our love by covering the next Rwandan business day in prayer. That means that we are going to need to team up and set our alarms. If you would like to participate, just pick a time in Rwanda that you will pray and respond back to the group. I'll take 9 am, that is 2am my time.
God is not a puppet. And we know that our prayers do not guarantee any outcome. But he is pleased when, by our prayers, we acknowledge that we are completely dependent upon him for each step of the way. Oh Father, if it would please you, let the Salmans see little Jubilee tomorrow!
We love you Hanna!"
This morning a dear friend who is also adopting from Rwanda sent this email out to all the America World Rwanda bloggers. Imagine my delight as I read her message and then immediately started seeing responses. This evening when I got home I counted 20 couples that committed to pray for our referral to come tomorrow. TWENTY. That's 40 people. I am so humbled and honored.
Today marks ten months since our dossier has been in Rwanda. It's a long time and the wait has gotten so much longer since I knew for certain that we had been matched. I don't know why our referral hasn't been emailed. I don't have the answers. What I do know is that without a doubt I am one of the most blessed adoptive moms on earth. I cannot believe how much love and support surrounds me from people I don't even know. I get stopped by strangers in town sometimes that want to know how my adoption is going! They heard through so and so who heard from so and so that we have a little girl in Rwanda. Everyday I receive multiple emails from people who are waiting with me to hear our news. It's amazing! Whenever this referral does get here, and I truly hope its tomorrow before the weekend, there is going to be such an uproar.
I am thinking that God loves all this prayin' as well! He must be basking in all the extra attention. Maybe, just maybe, He will move that referral through tomorrow. He is, as most of us know, quite a glory hound.
Thank you, thank you, thank you friends!

Oh my goodness...i can't see the screen for the watershed coming from my eyes! I love being a part of the family of God, of knowing that we can stand united before the Lord and look to Him to meet all of our needs. I love this heritage that I have in Him. I have had the privilege of being raised in a family who has served the Lord and known Him...there is a long line of missionaries and pastors in my family. My heritage is rich and deep and long. I have loved Jesus for as long as I can remember and have felt His grace on my life. Through really tough times when my life felt shattered and through joyous celebrations. Watching and waiting with Wayne and Hanna for the word and arrival of Jubilee has been a wonderful experience but not without challenge, worry and frustration. To think that our little Jubilee, so far away, will be joining this family who is rich with heritage is one thing, but what an amazing thought that she will be welcomed by the extensive family of believers and folks that give so generously with their time and hearts. Thank you all for linking arms and joining with us in the wait. I am honored and blessed to be witness to this outpouring of love and concern and privileged to know that I will be Grandma to little Jubilee. Come quickly, little one!
ReplyDeleteThe king's heart is like streams of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wills. Proverb 21:1
ReplyDeleteGod never leaves his prophecies uncertainly to be fulfilled by the mere will of man. He himself acts to fulfill the predictions he makes...when God is ready he can and will do it.
One place this is evident is in Ezra:
The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all of his kingdom...The LORD, the God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. (Ezra 1:1-2)
1. Adversaries who oppose the rebuilding write a letter to king Artaxerxes pointing out that the rebuilding is a threat
2. Rebuilding is stopped. It appears that God's plans have been frustrated...but God had a different plan. (O let us learn that the lean years of trouble in our lives are preparation for God's blessing.)
3. Prophets came and rebuilding began again.
4. Adversaries who opposed the rebuilding write a letter to king Darius
5. Their plan backfires, and the king orders payment and protection for the people who rebuild the temple.
Lord, thank you for the account in Ezra which tells of your hand at work among kings during the trials of rebuilding the temple. Thank you for turning what was meant to harm your plan into what would spark support for it. Lord would you help me to believe your word and know confidently that nothing occurs which you do not allow. May I humbly express my dependence on you for all of my needs and seek you wholeheartedly.
The hand of our God is for good on all who seek him, and the power of his wrath is against all who forsake him. (Ezra 8:22)
Fasting is an expression of humility...utter dependence on God for what we need
Fasting is an expression of seeking God...with life and death seriousness
Father, I want to acknowledge you as sovereign over the timing for all who are in the adoption process, specifically now for the Salmans (as they wait for referral) and Engellands (as they hope to complete their adoption before the harvest). I imagine it is painful as they both wonder and wait. Please protect them from doubting your plan and guard their hearts from the enemy that lurks. Let their joy be found in you and your promises. For those in authority in Rwanda who seemingly hold the cards, I pray for trust that your hand is upon them. (just as it was during Ezra's time over the kings and the rebuilding) Lord, let great praise rise when you are pleased to move Rwandan officials to action! Let us not be fooled that you were turned to act because we did any prompting. Instead, let us see that you prompted us to pray that we might be alert when you began to move. Father, thank you for the joy of seeing and knowing you. Open our eyes that we may behold more of you.
It's a privilege to pray with and for you, Hanna! What an amazing gift God has given us in this beautiful body of Christ! I love to see His Spirit uniting His people for the union of Jubilee and her precious family.